This information has been created by the Centre for Time Use Research

Samples included

Sample description
Country: ARMENIA 2008
Study title: Time Use Sample Survey in the Republic of Armenia 2008 (October 1-31)
Collector: National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia in collaboration with Statistics Sweden
When conducted: October 1 - October 31, 2008
Sampling method and study design: Sampling design: Two stage random household survey. Sampling frame: households that took part to the 2001 Population Census, grouped by settlements, stratified by population density and region
Sample size: Individuals: 1,342 Diaries: 2,680 (2514 adult diaries and 166 children diaries)
Response rate: 50.7%, 499/984 contacted households
Weighting procedures: The sampling procedure and the weights created are described clearly and with great detail in the main report of the documentation (see link below; pages 111 to 113). The dataset comes with two weights: hhwgtadj and perwgt, the first is a household weight and the second a person weight, but since there is one diary per person, this weight is also the diary level weight we are looking for. perwgt is OCOMBWT, from which we create PROPWT.
Available documentation: Armenian TUS Report Armenian 2008 Readme Summary

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