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February 25, 2025

    Removed Data.

    • Data for Canada 2015 were removed due to issues identified in EDTRY and MAIN. Specifically, we noticed that there were too many respondents with EDTRY=2 and too few with EDTRY=3; we also detected an error in MAIN related to travel episodes. These issues will be addressed with the next release of Canada 2015.

August 30, 2024

June 24, 2024

November 30, 2023

November 17, 2023

November 8, 2023

    Updated Data.

    Updated Variables.

    • AGE (Finland 1979), MIGRANTD(Israel 1991), and MIGRANTF (Israel 1991) have been updated to have new codes.

    Edited Variables.

    • The width of INCORIG has been changed from 8 to 12 and the width of WORKHRS has been changed from 4 to 6, to accommodate new values.

January 18, 2023

    New Data.

    Updated Data.

    • Revisions have been to all US samples. These revisions affect PROPWT, MAIN and SEC. Edits made to US samples follow earlier revisions made to other samples, please see revisions made on 12/5/2022 for more detailed accounting of the changes.

December 5, 2022

    Updated Data.

    • Revisions have been made to all IPUMS MTUS data (excluding ATUS data in MTUS [2003 forward]). Revisions to US data from 2003 forward and other data previously released but currently unavailable are underway and will be released in the future. The major changes associated with this update are highlighted below.

    Edited Variables.

    • PROPWT was updated. PROPWT is an adjustment of the original weight (OCOMBWT) to ensure each day of the week is equally represented. In addition, PROPWT assigns a value of 0 to low quality cases. 
    • MAIN and SEC activities with code 6 (Meals or snacks in other places) have been changed to code 39 (Restaurant, cafe, bar, pub) when ELOC is 6 (At restaurant, bar etc). Because MAIN is used to create preconstructed time use variables ACT_PCARE and ACT_OUTHOME, these variables may be affected by this change for some datasets. 
    • HHLDSIZE was changed from 14 to 15 for 15 cases in Italy 2008. HHLDSIZE was also changed from 11 to 12 for 2 cases and 12 to 13 for 4 cases in Spain 2009. 
    • Changes were made to EMP and UNEMP for consistency with EMPSTAT.
    • CLOCKST was fixed for France 1985 so that the time diary started at midnight rather than 6am. 
    • DISAB codes of -9 were changed to 0 (No) for Austria 1992.

    Deleted Variables.

    • YRIMM has been removed. 
    • BTHPL and WHEREBORN have been removed and incorporated into MIGRANTD.
    • PABTHPL has been removed and incorporated into MIGRANTF.
    • NOWGHT has been replaced with BADCASE.

July 19, 2021

December 29, 2020

April 28, 2020

    New Data.

    • Canada 2015 and Korea 2004 are now available. Please note, Canada 2015 is a light diary, which indicates that it has limited activity codes in the variable MAIN. In conjunction with releasing the Canadian light diary sample, we have re-released UK 1995 and UK 2005 which are also light diaries. No changes have been made to these two UK samples. Users should note that light diaries may not be comparable with other samples. The variable DIARYTYPE has been added to denote whether the sample contains a light or full diary.

February 4, 2020

January 8, 2020

    New Data.

    Edited Variables.

    • France 2009: An error in the variable AGEKID has been corrected. Previously, all ages beetween 0 and 17 were grouped in the code "13-17 years." AGEKID now displays the correct age groupings for all codes.

December 9, 2019

    New Data.

    Updated Data.

    • France 2009: This sample has been updated with corrections. The start time was previously incorrectly coded as starting at 00:00. This has been corrected and the first episode nows start at 04:00. In addition, we have made adjustments to improve the harmonization protocol which has improved episode level data. Consecutive episodes with identical activity level variable information has been collapsed into one activity and was adjusted to account for time.

November 5, 2019

    New Data.

    Updated Data.

    • US data from 2003-2012 have been replaced with updated versions. The 2006-2008 data now have fewer activity records. This is because we have discontinued the creation of new activity records based on secondary eating and drinking, which was only available in these years of data. The 2006-2008 data now contain the same number of activity records as the original source data. Other substantial diary-level changes include differences in ELOC, INOUT, MTRAV, and SEC. RELREFP and SINGPAR were corrected and have several differences. We also made several other corrections that affected several variables, but relatively few cases. All previous versions of the data are available for download, though not through the data extract system. To download the previously available versions of this data, please visit the CTUR MTUS in ATUS page.

July 2, 2019

    New Data.

    Added Variables.

    Edited Variables.

    • Canada 2010: The variable REGION_CA's code structure has been edited. This was done to accommodate additional samples in the variable.
    • Hungary 2009: The variable INCORIG's code structure for has been edited. INCORIG previously reported income levels in a 1-5 code structure for the Hungary 2009 sample, but now reports income levels in a 1-10 code structure.
    • Edits made to ALONE_ALT: We have changed the coding structure of ALONE_ALT to better reflect the the presence or absence of other persons during activity. ALONE_ALT is now created using the variable ALONE as the baseline, and ALONE_ALT is updated if responses for OAD, SPPART or CHILD contradict the ALONE response. This changes affects the following samples: Bulgaria 2001, Canada 2010, France 1998, France 2009, Hungary 1999, Hungary 2009, Israel 1991, Italy 2002, Spain 2002, UK 1983, UK 1987, UK 2000, UK2000, UK2005, and US samples 1965, 1975 and 1998 through 2012. Researchers who have used these variables or who have made time use variables indicating time spent alone may contact us for additional information.
    • Spain 2009: We have identified and fixed an error in OAD and ALONE for Spain 2009. Researchers who have used these variables or who have made time use variables indicating time spent alone or with an other adult may contact us for additional information.

May 9, 2019

February 26, 2019

February 7, 2019

    Edited Variables.

    • Bulgaria 2001: Errors in the variable AGEKID have been corrected.
    • Hungary 2009: Errors in the variables CHILD, ALONE_ALT and ALONE have been corrected. In CHILD, a subset of codes that were previously coded as '00 - No' have now been assigned codes of '-8 - Missing'. Due to changes in CHILD, the variable ALONE_ALT has also been corrected. For ALONE, all codes that were previously coded "Missing" have now been coded '00 - No'.

January 14, 2019

    New Data.

    • New sample has been added: Italy 2002.

    Edited Variables.

    • Finland 2009: A coding error in the variable ISCO1 has been corrected.

    Added Variables.

    • The variable ALONE_ALT is now available for United Kingdom 2014 and Finland 2009.

November 28, 2018

    New Data.

    • New sample has been added: Finland 2009.

    Edited Variables.

    • Errors in the variable ELOC have been corrected for the following samples: Israel 1991, Bulgaria 2001, Hungary 2009 and United Kingdom 2014.
    • Errors in the location filter variable (used to create Time Use Variables) have been corrected for the following samples: Israel 1991, Bulgaria 2001, and Hungary 2009. Note that time use variables with this filter that were created prior to and following the correction may be different.

October 18, 2018

    Added Variables.

    • United Kingdom 2014: The variable RELREFP is now available.

October 5, 2018

    New Data.

    • New sample has been added: United Kingdom 2014.

    Added Variables.

    Edited Variables.

    • Bulgaria 2001: An error in IDENT has been fixed. IDENT was not previously properly indexing multiple diaries.
    • Israel 1991: The variable BTHPL code structure has been edited. This was done to accommodate additional samples in the variable.

August 27, 2018

    New Data.

    • New samples have been added: Hungary 2009, Israel 1991 and Bulgaria 2001.

    Added Variables.

    • Israel 1991: The variables YRIMM, BTHPL and PATBTHPL have been added. These variables are only available for the Israel 1991 sample.

April 3, 2018

March 1, 2017

    Edited Variables.

    • We corrected values 45-50 in MAIN in the United States 2010 file.

October 13, 2016

    Edited Variables.

    • We corrected COHAB for France 1998. 5361 cases changed from 0 "Not married" to -7 "Not in couple".

October 11, 2016

    Added Variables.

    • HHTYPE has been added for all samples.

    New Data.

    • Austria 1992, France 1985, France 1998, Finland 1979, and Canada 2010 are now available.

    Edited Variables.

    • The format for CLOCKST has been improved so that digits after the decimal appear. Additionally, several values have changed in files from the Netherlands (all years) and from the United Kingdom in 1995 (all values are one minute lower except for the first record in the United Kingdom). In the United Kingdom 1987 file, duplicated values have been fixed so that all CLOCKST values are unique within a diary.
    • START values in United Kingdom 1983 and 1995 were one minute higher than they should have been; they have been corrected with this release. Users should note that this may result in time use variables being different by one minute per respondent.
    • A few values for TIME have been corrected in USA 1975 and for END in United Kingdom 1974.
    • For SAMPLE, United Kingdom values have changed from GB to UK.
    • In Spain 2009, errors have been fixed in 10 or fewer cases in each of AGEKID2, PARNTID1, PARNTID2, RELREFP, and SINGPAR.

    TUV Creation.

    • The system now returns values for the uber category "Travelling" in the location filter of the time use variable creation process. Previously, it would only return time for the travel sub-categories.
    • We have added the ability for users to select "All" categories of secondary activities in the secondary activity filter of the time use variable creation process. Previously, only one type of secondary activity could be selected at a time.

June 1, 2016

    New Data.

    • Released Version 1.0 of MTUS-X