This information has been created by the Centre for Time Use Research

Samples included

Sample description
Country: SOUTH AFRICA 2000
Study title: Time Use in South Africa
Collector: Statistics South Africa
When conducted: February, June and October 2000
Sampling method and study design: The source data that CTUR obtained had 4,429 non-respondents that did not have contextual information on why they were non-respondents. As a matter of course, MTUS-X has dropped all of these 4,429 persons. The following text is sourced from "Methodology used to measure childcare in the South African Time Use Survey" (more information below), and may not accurately describe the data with this group of non-respondents:

The study follows a sample of households representative of the full population from all nine provinces and all four settlement types. Initially, households were sampled through a sampling of addresses. When more than one household was found at an address, all households living at the address were interviewed. Interviewers approached households to complete both questionnaires and diaries face to face. Questions were asked about the diarists' personal background details as well as about the household composition. A register was made of all household members and their ages. Two household members aged 10 and older were randomly selected to complete time diaries. The time diary instrument included half hour slots divided into three sections, effectively creating 10 minute interval diaries. Respondent's were allowed to nominate a maximum of three main activities in each time slot. In 83% of the diary time slots, only one activity was recorded in each half hour time slot. People were asked to indicate both primary and secondary activities, whether the activity took place inside or outside, and how they travelled between locations. Respondents were asked to nominate their most and least enjoyable activities, and interviewers prompted respondents to report passive child care. The diaries cover 24 hours beginning at 4 AM on the day prior to the day of the interview and ending at 4 AM on the interview day. Interviewers coded the activities in the diaries on the same day as the interview took place. The survey employed a modified version of the UN classification of activities, though more detail on employment and child care was collected. An activity code was included for waiting for something to happen. South African interviewers have proved particularly effective. Interviewers work in teams. A supervisor drives a team of three to interviewers to sampled households, picks up the interviewers afterwards, and the group then goes over the details collected in each diary to work through problems. Statistics Norway provided assistance in the design of the study.
Sample size: 9,873 diarists aged 10+
Response rate: 94% of sampled dwellings which actually existed, could be located and were currently occupied by one or more households participated in the study
Weighting procedures: The data are weighted to represent to the total population which could have been selected in the sample frame
Sources of information: Ntebaleng Chobokoane and Debbie Budlender "Methodology used to measure childcare in the South African Time Use Survey" paper presented at the meeting of the International Association of Time Use Research, Oslo, 3-5 October 2001
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