This information has been created by the Centre for Time Use Research

Samples included

Sample description
Study title: ETijdsbestedingsonderzoek 2005 - TBO 2005
Collector: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, in conjunction with United Fieldwork Organisation (UFO) Field work by Intomart
When conducted: 2-8 October, 9-15 October
Sampling method and study design: This study employed a two-stage sample design: (1) stratified random sample of 4,200 addresses drawn from 300 regional clusters in the Netherlands; (2) random walk to addresses to obtain a final sample. All persons aged 12+ in sampled households were asked to completed one week diaries. The diaries were divided into 15 minute time slots and had a 274 category pre-coded activity list. The diary included a simple location code. This study seeks comparability with the previous time use surveys in the Netherlands, as well as with the Harmonised European Time Use project (though the former takes precedence)
Sample size: 5950 individual participants
Response rate: 37%
Weighting procedures:
Sources of information: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP)
Available documentation: Documentation

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