This information has been created by the Centre for Time Use Research

Samples included

Sample description
Study title: En Week Tijd
Collector: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau
When conducted: 5-18 October 1975; half the sample completed diaries 5-11 October; the second half completed diaries 12-18 October
Sampling method and study design: Sample members self-completed both background questionnaires and 7-day time diaries broken into 1/4 hour time slots for every day of one week; respondents provided with an activity list and asked to self-code their main activities from this list; attention given to names of radio and television stations and titles of magazines listened to/watched/read; secondary, concurrent activities not recorded; respondents only asked to indicate if activity performed at home or away from home, no note on whether anyone else present; at the end of the 7 day period, interviewers discussed inconsistencies with respondents
Sample size: 1,309 people aged 12+
Response rate: 1,650 people selected in original sample; 1,309 (79%) provided completed useful data
Weighting procedures:
Sources of information: Knulst, W. P. (1977) Een Week Tijd: Rapport van een Onderzoek Naar de Tijdsbesteding van de Nederlandse Bevolking in Oktober 1975; Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Afdeling Rapportage en Advies, J. C. van Markenlaan 3, Rijswijk, S.C.P. - Cahier no. 10
Bijlage a Ontstaan en Organisatie van het Tijdbestedingsonderzoek 1975-1990. File released with the 1990 data by Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP)

Professor Claude Javeau. (April 1984) Presentation of the Main Time-Budget Surveys Carried Out in Belgium, The Federal Republic of Germany, and The Netherlands and Summary Details of the Main Time-Budget Surveys Carried Out in Seven EEC Countries. Working paper. Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Available documentation: Documentation

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