This information has been created by the Centre for Time Use Research

Samples included

Sample description
Country: CANADA 2005
Study title: General Social Survey, Cycle 19 Time Use
Collector: Statistics Canada Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division
When conducted: January 2005 to December 2005
Sampling method and study design: This time use survey samples all residents of Canada aged 15 and older (except those living in residents of the Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest Territories and full-time residents of institutions). The survey collected background information then a one 24-hour day diary of activities on the previous day over the telephone. In addition, the survey posed additonal questions on the perception of time, time spent on child care and other unpaid work, the diarists' general well-being, paid work and education, cultural and sports activities, social networks, and trust. The diary starts at 04:00, and the interviewers solicited starting and stopping times, main activity, location, mode of transport, and who else was present. The CATI instrument includes a detailed precoded activity list, and the transport categories are distinguished by the purpose of the trip. If the diarist was asleep at 04:00, the interviewer asked what time the person went to sleep. When diarists looked after a child aged 14 or younger, the diary additionally collected details of main activities associated with child care. Data are listed as not stated in most cases if the respondent did not answer, but sex and number of telephones was imputed if not provided.
Sample size: 19,597 diarists
Response rate: The sample frame is 93% complete. The response rate is 59%
Weighting procedures: Weights correct for non-random non-contact and refusal.
Sources of information: Statistics Canada
Available documentation:

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