This information has been created by the Centre for Time Use Research

Samples included

Sample description
Country: AUSTRIA 2008
Study title: Austrian Time Use Survey 2008-2009 (AutTUS 08-09)
Collector: Statistik Austria, with input from the Federal Minister for Women, Media and Civil Service
When conducted: April 2008 to April 2009
Sampling method and study design: The Austrian Time Use Survey 2008-2009 is a supplement of the Austrian Microcensus. All household members aged 10 or older were asked to complete one 24-hour time-diary. The diary includes columns for main and secondary activities, whether the activity was performed for someone from another household, who else was present (partner/children up to 9 years/other household members/other person that you know), and mode of transport. Diaries began at 05:00 on the designated start day and ended at 05:00 on the following morning. From 05:00 until 23:00, the diaries are divided into 15 minute intervals. From 23:00 until 05:00, the diaries are divided into half-hour time slots. Instructions with the diary reminded respondents to report travelling between two activities and the mode of transport. The activity code frame builds on the 1992 AutTUS, the Harmonised European Time Use Studies guidelines and suggestions from Austrian time use researchers.
Sample size: 8,234
Response rate: 79.5% for men and 82.0% for women
Weighting procedures: Weights will adjust for differential non-response
Available documentation: Official Webpage
Example Diary
Diary Instrument

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