This information has been created by the Centre for Time Use Research

Samples included

Sample description
Country: AUSTRIA 1992
Study title: Zeitverwendung 1992
Collector: Beitrage zur Osterreichischen Statistik (STAT)
When conducted: March and September 1992
Sampling method and study design: 1990: three regions (Burgenland, Tyrol, Vienna) pilot sample to evaluate interviewer vs. self-completed diary, but choosing from a list of over 200 pre-coded activities; interviewers were advised to spread diaries over the week; 56% of respondents completed the diary without the interviewer (men 58%, women 54%)

1992: random sample of all persons aged 10+ , one day "round the clock" diary (own words), those with difficulties writing could talk about it; 1/2 hour intervals 00:00-05:00; then 1/4 hour intervals

The diary instrument collected the following information:
  • date diary completed;
  • did a special situation (sick, holiday, etc.) occur on the diary day;
  • was the diary completed by the respondent or a proxy;
For each main activity, people were asked to record:
  • what the main activity was;
  • the starting and stopping time;
  • where the activity took place (in/outside the home);
  • which other persons present;
  • for whom doing activity;
  • secondary activities
Participation in the time diary study was voluntary, in contrast with the micro-census, where participation is legally required
Sample size: 25,233 diaries for aged 10+
Response rate: 53% refused (men: 55%, women 52%); youth, young adults, students, divorced, highly educated, and single people more likely to refuse to participate; also large regional participation differences
Weighting procedures:
Sources of information: Zeitverwendung 1992/1981 (1995) Beitrage zur Osterreichischen Statistik, Herausgegeben vom Osterreihischen Statistischen Zentralamt HEFT 1.171

Gross, I. (1995). 'Erhebungen uber die Zeitverwendung 1981 und 1992'. Statistische Nachrichten 2: 116-21

Gross, I. (1995). 'Erhebungen uber die Zeitverwendung 1981 und 1992'. Statistische Nachrichten 3: 205-208
Available documentation:

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