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OAD reports the presence of any other adult during activity. This may include the presence of a spouse/partner. Therefore, users should note that SPPART and OAD are not mutually exclusive.

Users can make more detailed distinctions with some original datasets, but not all. Other "with whom" variables such as CHILD, ALONE and SPPART may also be useful to the user.

Comparability — Index

South Korea
United Kingdom
United States


Detailed distinctions between types of adults can be made with some original datasets, but not with others.

Comparability — Bulgaria [top]

In the 2001 Bulgarian data, being with another adult includes spouses or partners. Respondents are not asked whether they are with a spouse or partner specifically. Rather, being with a spouse or partner is indistinguishable from being with another adult."

Comparability — France [top]

In 1985, child presence variable in the diary reflected presence of a household child aged younger than 25 years old. Where all children of other household members are aged 18-24, we coded this who else was present time into OAD and not into CHILD. In households where there are children aged less than 18 and aged 18-24, we cannot distinguish who is present so they are classified as a CHILD.

Comparability — Italy [top]

In 2002, this variable includes any person present over the age of 10. SPPART is not available for Italy 2002, so OAD is inclusive of spouse and/or partner presence.

Comparability — South Korea [top]

In 2009, data includes all family/relatives (other than below school age children) into one category, so children below 18 (but above school age) can also be classified as other adults. There is data for taking care of parents or grandparents and when the respondent was taking care of parents or grandparents, this was coded as OAD=1

Comparability — Spain [top]

For Spain 2002, other adults are considered present under one of two conditions. The first condition is met when the respondent reports "Other members of the household" are with them and the respondent is neither married nor cohabiting. The second condition is met if the respondent reports the presence of "Other known people".

Comparability — United Kingdom [top]

In 1983, other adult is present if any of the following people are present: spouse/partner; siblings (including sibling in laws); elderly relatives; adults; spouse/partner, including divorced/separated partners; people at work; members of social/political/voluntary group; sales workers; engineers, technicians, mechanics, repairers; personal services (e.g. hairdresser); legal, juridical, police; health (e.g. doctor, dentist); education (e.g. teacher, tutor); money (e.g. bank managers); welfare (e.g. counselors); service people, not specified; strangers; mother/father (including in laws).

In 1987, other adult is present if the respondent reported the presence of one of the following types of people: own household: siblings (including in-laws); own household: elderly relatives; own household: other relatives; own household: not specified; own household: adults, not family; own household: not family but not specified; other household family: spouse/partner; other household family: siblings (include in-laws); other household family: elderly relatives; other household family: other relatives; other household family: not specified; boyfriend or girlfriend; one friend; more than one friend; neighbors; people at work; members of social/political/voluntary group; service providers; sales workers; engineers, technicians, mechanics, repair; personal services (e.g. hairdresser); legal, judicial, police; doctor, dentist, health worker; teacher or tutor; financial or bank manager; welfare, counselors; service people, not specified; strangers; people not specified; mother or father (including in-laws).

In 2000, other adult is coded as present when the respondent is with a household adult or other person that he/she knows, excluding his/her spouse. Note that for the child diaries, this will sometimes mean another child is present, but it is not possible to distinguish adults present from children present.

In 2014, this variable includes the presence of children greater than or equal to 8 years old and adults.

Comparability — United States [top]

In 1998-2001, there is no information on the age of the other present people. Because respondents are 18 years old and older, it is assumed for this variable that the people listed in who variables (categories included are: spouse only, spouse and child, coworkers, friends, relatives and strangers) were adults.

In ATUS samples, other adult is present when respondent reports not being alone and the other person is 18 years or older. OAD may include the spouse in this case.


  • All activities.


  • Armenia: 2008
  • Austria: 1992, 2008
  • Belgium: 1966
  • Bulgaria: 1965, 2001
  • Canada: 2005, 2010
  • Czech Republic: 1965
  • Finland: 1979, 2009
  • France: 1966, 1985, 2009
  • Germany: 1965
  • Hungary: 1999, 2009
  • Israel: 1991
  • Italy: 2002, 2008
  • Peru: 1966
  • Serbia: 1965
  • South Africa: 2000
  • South Korea: 1999, 2004, 2009
  • Spain: 2002
  • United Kingdom: 1983, 1987, 2000
  • United States: 1965, 1975, 1998, 2003-2023