Codes and Frequencies
ICT reported used information communication technology, including computer, mobile phone, or web, during the activity.
Users should note that in some recent surveys, the diary included a column marking whether the diarist used ICTs. If such a column is available, then it was used to create this 0/1 marker variable. In many cases, however, this information could only be identified from the activity code list.
In cases where the identification of ICT use is available in more than one format (a dedicated column as well as in activity codes), all forms of available information were used to create this marker. As is the case with the mode of transport, where the diarist may not write down the word "commute" in the activity column if they have written "drove car to work" in the location column, some diarists similarly might write "internet banking" as their activity but not bother to tick the used a computer box. Nevertheless, such an identification of the activity does give use sufficient information to know that the diarist used ICTs during this episode.
Comparability — Index
GENERAL Finland |
Netherlands United Kingdom |
United States |
Users should note differences in how this variable is constructed across samples.
Comparability — Finland [top]
In 2009, respondents were asked whether they used a computer or the internet.
Comparability — Netherlands [top]
In 2000 and 2005, ICT is identified based on the activity codes.
For 2000, the activities considered were the following: using a computer, using computer for internet/mail, and telephoning.
For 2005, we considered the following codes: using computer: spreadsheets, databases, presentations; using the computer (games); watching films/videos with computer (no internet); playing CDs, records in computer (no internet); using the computer (photographs, cd making); e-mail, chat, messenger (internet); internet (games); watching films/videos by internet; listening to radio (internet); internet: newspapers and news; internet: shopping and banking; internet: other information; internet: other uses; telephone (mobile); SMS, mobile (via internet); games (mobile); look at cable/tv information services.
Comparability — United Kingdom [top]
In 1983 and 1987, the use of ICT during the activity is identified from the activity codes.
In 1983, the primary or secondary activity codes considered are the following: other homeworking (computer); work "brought home" (computer); home paperwork on computer; computer activities (educational, programming); play video/computer games; writing on word processor.
In 1987, the codes considered are the following: other home-working; using computer; work brought home -- using computer; home paperwork on computer; educational computer activities; play computer games; write on word processor.
For 2000, the codes considered are the following: order unspecified goods over internet; order food over internet; order clothes over internet; order other goods over internet; order mass media over internet; order entertainment over internet; household management using the internet; bank or pay bills over internet; other specified household management on internet; use internet at library; other library computer use; computing-programming; unspecified computing for information; internet search; other information by computer; unspecified communication by computing; communication on the internet; other specified communication by computer; unspecified other computing; unspecified internet use; other specified computing; computer games.
For 2005, ICT is based on a marker for recoding of time using the computer from main or secondary activity or a main or secondary activity using the computer.
Comparability — United States [top]
In 1985, 1992-1994, 1994-95 and 1998-2001, we can only identify this information from the activity codes.
In ATUS samples, the information is derived from activities too. In that case the activities considered are household and personal e-mail and use computer for leisure.
- All activities.
- Armenia: 2008
- Austria: 1992
- Bulgaria: 2001
- Canada: 2010
- Finland: 2009
- France: 1985, 2009
- Hungary: 1999, 2009
- Italy: 2008
- Netherlands: 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000
- South Africa: 2000, 2010
- South Korea: 2009
- Spain: 2002
- United Kingdom: 1983, 1987, 2000, 2005
- United States: 1985, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2003-2023