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This is a 3-digit numeric variable.


EPNUM reports the time diary episode number. Episodes begin with one and increment by one for each additional episode in the diary. An episode is a change in, for example, main activity, secondary activity, location or who else is with the respondent.

The episode number is generated after the data have been cleaned and harmonized. Some elements of the MTUS processing can produce different numbers of episodes compared to the original data. The variable EPNUM reflects the number of episodes in the MTUS version of the file.

EPNUM is only available if you select a hierarchical extract. If you request a hierarchical extract and plan to construct time use variables in your statistics package, this variable may be useful to you. Alternatively, you may use "Create time use variable" as part of this system.


EPNUM is comparable across all samples.


  • All activities.


  • Armenia: 2008
  • Austria: 1992, 2008
  • Belgium: 1966
  • Bulgaria: 1965, 2001
  • Canada: 2005, 2010
  • Czech Republic: 1965
  • Finland: 1979, 2009
  • France: 1966, 1985, 2009
  • Germany: 1965
  • Hungary: 1999, 2009
  • Israel: 1991
  • Italy: 2002, 2008
  • Netherlands: 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000
  • Peru: 1966
  • Serbia: 1965
  • South Africa: 2000, 2010
  • South Korea: 1999, 2004, 2009
  • Spain: 2002
  • United Kingdom: 1983, 1987, 1995, 2000, 2005
  • United States: 1965, 1975, 1985, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2003-2023