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CDAY reports the calendar day the diary was kept.

CDAY takes a value between 1 and 31 where the information has been released, or -9 if the information is not available. This variable can be used partly to allow matching of additional information relevant to specific days, for example weather conditions, sunrise and sunset on the diary day, whether the diary took place before or after a major event. CDAY also partly allow testing of potential minor variations in activities across months.

See DAY for the day of week diary was kept, MONTH for the month and YEAR for the year.

Comparability — Index

United Kingdom
United States


CDAY is comparable across all samples.

Comparability — Spain [top]

For Spain 2002, there is no specific information about the day of the year that the diary was collected. Only in the cases where the individuals were working, they had to fill in a work grid, and each day in the work grid has its corresponding month and day of the year. In such cases, the last day of the work grid corresponds to the day individuals had to fill in the diary, but for the rest of the cases there is no information on the calendar day (-8= missing).

Comparability — United Kingdom [top]

For 1995, the original variables original variables, DATE (calendar day) and DESIGDAY (day-of-the-week), are used accordingly as CDAY and DAY the diary was completed. There are 137 cases that the values of date and DESIGDAY do not correspond. In those cases, if date has a value, then DAY is calculated based on the 1995 calendar, else CDAY is left blank and leave DAY as is.

Comparability — United States [top]

For 1998-2001, the original data contain variables for the date of the diary. Nevertheless, 1/3rd of the 1998-99 sample are coded as taking place on 1 January 1998, which clearly is an error as the day of the week and activity distribution of these diaries say that these diaries do in fact reflect all days of the week. We have checked dates against an actual calendar, and around 20% of the dates are wrong in the rest of the FISCT and also in the NSP. At some future point we may try to resolve the date errors, but for the time being, we do not include these variables.


  • All activities.


  • Armenia: 2008
  • Austria: 1992, 2008
  • Bulgaria: 2001
  • Canada: 2005
  • France: 1985
  • Hungary: 1999
  • Israel: 1991
  • Italy: 2002, 2008
  • Netherlands: 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000
  • South Africa: 2000, 2010
  • South Korea: 1999
  • Spain: 2002
  • United Kingdom: 1983, 1987, 1995, 2000
  • United States: 1975, 1985, 1993, 1995, 2003-2023