Category Description
This category captures time the respondent spent in travel. This includes no activity, imputed or recoded transport (1162), travel to/from work (1163), travel related to education (1164), voluntary/civic/religious activity related travel (1165), child/adult care related travel (1166), shop, personal or household care related travel (1167), and other travel (1168).
Category Description
Imputed travel for both main and secondary activity is defined different for the various samples. It can be time when the person changed location from their own home or another home to another specified location (not to an unknown location or to a general other location), or changed from one type of specified (not general other) location to another specified type of location but did not indicate an episode of travel.
Activity Coding Rules
us1965, us1975, us1985, uk1975, uk1987, uk1995, uk2000, fr1985, fi1979: Secondary activity in which no activity but recorded mode of travel is recorded is included. This activity is generated by the Centre for Time Use Research (CTUR) for these samples.
us1995, fr1998: This is created as a secondary activity only.
nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl2000, nl2005, uk1983, uk2005, us1993, us1998: This activity is not available in these samples.
sp2002, at1992: If mode of transport recorded, imputed time away from home is generated by CTUR for unspecified activity.
sp2009: This activity is only created as a secondary activity where there is a change of location between activities, in all cases mode of transport is unknown. Users should assume the travel time is short and takes place at the end of the episode when the next location is home, otherwise users should assume this time is at the beginning of the episode.
ca2010: This is created if the respondent refused information and location is a mode of transport or change of location (except to/from restaurant) and gap is less than 21 minutes. -
Category Description
This comprises of time travelling related to other types of work travel.
Activity Coding Rules
us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012, uk1983, uk1995, sp2002, sp2009, fr1998, fi1979, ca2010: This is specified as time to and from work.
uk1975: This is travel to work/school by car, travel to/from work/school by other means, travel to/from work/school, with all next activity not education.
uk1987: Time spent on travel to/from paid work and search travel (if no secondary activity, second activity is coded as work-related travel).
uk2000: This is travel to work from home and back only or travel to work from a place other than home.
nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005, uk2005: This is time to drive car to or from work, car passenger to or from work, travel on moped to or from work, travel on bicycle to or from work, travel walking to or from work, travel by public transport to or from work, travel by car to or from work as well as travel walk/bicycle to or from work. The nl2000 and nl2005 also specify time travelling by train for work activities.
fr1985, at1992: This include travel time to and from work on foot, bicycle, in private vehicles, on public transport, as well as travel time not specified. -
Category Description
This comprises of time travelling related to schooling and education.
Activity Coding Rules
us1965: This is travel related to the following activities: full time attendance to classes (undergraduate or post-graduate student), studies being the principle activity, reduced programs of professional or special training courses (including after work classes organized by the plant or enterprise in question), attendance to lectures (occasionally), programs of political or union training course, homework prepared for different courses and lectures (including related research work and self-instruction), reading of scientific reviews of books for personal instruction, other study, as well as time waiting for means of transport.
us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012, sp2009, uk1983, uk1987, uk2000, at1992, fi1979, ca2010: This is time spent on traveling related to educational activity.
uk1975: This is travel to work/school by car, travel to/from work/school by other means, travel to/from work/school, with all next activity being education.
uk1995, uk2005, fr1998: This activity is not available for these samples.
sp2002: Education related travel includes travel from/ to school/university, travel during free time for studies, and the following if mode of transport is recorded: Unspecified studies, unspecified activities related with university/school, class, course and conferences, homework and library, other activities related with University/school, general free time study, and free time study.
nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: Time included in this activity are as follows: Drive car for education, car passenger for education, travel on moped for education, travel on bicycle for education, travel walking for education, travel by public transport for education, travel by car for education and travel walking/bicycling for education. The nl2000 and nl2005 also specify time travelling by train for educational activities.
fr1985: For this sample, this activity was created where codes for other travel when travel starts at home or elsewhere and ends at school/education activity away from home, or starts at school/education activity away from home and ends at home (Note very little time in this activity generated.) -
Category Description
This comprises of time travelling related to participation in social, political or union activities.
Activity Coding Rules
us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: This consists of time spent on travel for adult care or volunteering.
nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: Time included in this activity are as follows: Drive car for voluntary activities, car passenger for voluntary activities, travel on moped for voluntary activities, travel on bicycle for voluntary activities, travel walking for voluntary activities, travel by public transport for voluntary activities, travel by car for voluntary activities and travel walking/bicycling for voluntary activities. The nl2000 and nl2005 also specify time travelling by train for voluntary activities.
sp2002: This is travel related to organizational work, travel related to informal help to other households and travel related to participatory activities. The following are also included if mode of transport is recorded: unspecified studies, unspecified activities related with university/school, class, course and conferences, homework and library, other activities related with University/school, general free time study or free time study.
sp2009: This is travel related to voluntary or organizational work.
uk1975, uk1995, uk2005: This activity is not available for these samples.
uk1983, ca2010: Travel for religious, political, community, and voluntary activities are included in this category.
uk1987: Travel to/from religious or civic activity is specified here.
uk2000: This period includes travel related to organizational work, travel related to informal help to other households, travel related to religious activities, or travel related to participatory activities other than religious activities.
at1992, fi1979: Travel to/from voluntary or civic activity is specified here.
fr1985: For this sample, this activity was created from codes for "other travel" when travel starts at home or elsewhere and ends at school/education activity away from home, or starts at or ends at religious or civic activity and ends at home
fr1998: This is time spent traveling for another household. -
Category Description
This comprises of time travelling related to care for babies and children as well as care for other adults.
Activity Coding Rules
us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012, uk2005, fi1979: This includes travel related to child care.
uk1975: This activity is specified as providing transport or escorting.
uk1983, uk1987, ca2010: The activity consists of accompanying adult or child (e.g. to doctor) as well as care of others (travel).
uk1995, fr1985: This activity is not available for these samples.
uk2000: This includes travel for escorting to/from education, travel for escorting a child (not education) and travel for escorting an adult (not education).
sp2002, sp2009: This is travel related with childcare and travel related with adult people care of the family.
nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: This includes drive car for childcare, car passenger for childcare, travel on moped for childcare, travel on bicycle for childcare, walk for childcare, travel by public transport for childcare, travel by car for childcare and walk/cycle for childcare. The nl2000 and nl2005 also specify time travelling by train for voluntary activities.
at1992: This is considered time spent accompanying a child or adult while traveling by foot, bicycle, private vehicle, public transport, or by other unspecified modes.
fr1998: This sample considers travel related to children. -
Category Description
This comprises of time travelling related to purchases and consumption.
Activity Coding Rules
us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998: These samples include travel related to personal care as well as travel for consumption.
us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: This is travel related to consumption.
uk1975: The activity is specified as personal imperative journey.
uk1983: The category includes shopping/services travel or posting a letter.
uk1987: This activity includes fetching, picking up, dropping off, travel to/from shopping/services, other travel, as well as unspecified household or personal travel.
uk1995: This activity is not available for these samples.
uk2000, uk2005, sp2009: This is travel related to household care, travel related to shopping or travel related to services.
sp2002: Travel related with personal care, house activities, and shopping and services are included in this activity.
nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: This includes driving car, car passenger, travel on moped, travel on bicycle, walk, travel by public transport, travel by car or walking/cycling for household duties, shopping, or personal needs. Time at a post office, bank or city council is also included.
at1992: This is travel related to services.
fr1985: For this sample, this activity was created from codes for "other travel" when travel starts at home or elsewhere and ends at shopping, or starts at shopping and ends at shopping or eating out, or starts at shopping and ends at home.
fr1998: This is considered travel with an associative aim.
fi1979: This is travel connected to housework, goods/services, and personal needs.
ca2010: This category includes travel to/from unpaid domestic work, travel to/from shopping or obtaining services, travel to/from restaurant, and travel for personal care activities. -
Category Description
This comprises of time travelling related other types of travel.
Activity Coding Rules
us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012, uk1975, uk2005: These samples include travel mainly related to leisure or recreational activities.
uk1983, uk1987: This includes going for a drive, travelling to/from leisure activities, other travel and travel not specified.
uk1995: This activity is not available for these samples.
uk2000: This is travel related to unspecified time use, personal business, visit to friends/relatives in their homes (not at respondent's household), other social activities, entertainment and culture, physical exercise, hunting and fishing, productive exercise other than hunting and fishing, gambling, hobbies other than gambling, holiday base, day trip/just walk as well as other specified travel.
sp2002, fi1979: The activity includes travel with unspecified purpose, or related to social activities, cultural and fun activities, sport and cultural outdoor activities, hobbies, location changes and driving for pleasure.
sp2009: This is travel with other or unspecified purpose, related to social activities, other free time activities or travel (identified by change of location).
nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: This includes driving car, car passenger, travel on moped, travel on bicycle, walk, travel by public transport, travel by car or walking/cycling for social life, social activities, or active leisure.
at1992: This includes driving a car for leisure, and travel not coded elsewhere.
fr1985: This is travel by various modes of transportations: foot, car, motor-bike, bicycle, public transport, etc
fr1998: This is simply considered other travel.
ca2010: This travel includes travel to and from many activities, including:
Category examples
travel to/from attending sports, movies or other entertainment events or visit sites
travel to/from socializing at private residences
travel to/from other socializing (to bars, hospitals, weddings)
pleasure drives (as the driver)
pleasure drives (as a passenger in a car)
other pleasure drives (e.g. On a tour bus)
travel to/from participating in active sport/outdoor activities
travel to/from coaching activities
travel to/from hobbies or for the sale of crafts
travel to/from other leisure activities
travel for media and communication activities