Category Description

This category captures time the respondent spends in adult care as well as civic, voluntary and religious activities. This includes adult care (0632), voluntary, civic, organization activity (0633), as well as worshiping and religious activities (0634).

  • 0632 ADULT CARE

    Category Description

    This includes time spent in care to adults.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998: These samples include general adult care related activities respondents reported. The us1975 period also includes the following examples:

    Category examples
    Medical care to adults in household
    Non-medical care to adult from household
    Help/care for adult from other household
    Help/care for neighbors or friends
    Help or care for unspecified adults

    The us1985 sample specifies the following examples:

    Category examples
    Medical care to adults in household
    Non-medical care to adults in household
    Routine non-medical care to adults in household: got my wife up, ran a bath for my husband
    Help and care to relatives not living in household
    Helping caring for, providing for needs of relatives; (except travel)
    Helping move, bringing food, assisting in emergencies, doing housework for relatives
    Visiting when sick
    Help and care to neighbors, friends
    Help and care to others, unknown relationship to respondent

    us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: Time in adult care broadly includes the following main categories: caring for household adults, helping household adults, caring for and helping non household children, activities related to non-household children's education/health, caring for non-household adults, and helping non-household adults. Listed are the detailed category examples:

    Category examples
    Bathing household adult
    Cutting household adult's hair
    Dressing/Feeding household adult
    Getting household adult ready to go somewhere
    Helping household adult dress
    Providing physical aid to household adult
    Putting household adult to bed
    Waking household adult
    Visiting household adult in hospital (2003-2004)
    Checking on household adult
    Monitoring/Supervising household adult
    Bandaging household adult
    Giving household adult medicine
    Waiting to meet a household adult's care provider
    Waiting while doctor examines household adult
    Waiting with household adult at hospital/physician's office
    Helping household adult with computer, taxes/bills
    Running errands for household adult (not self)
    Shopping for household adult (not self)
    Making things for household adult
    Organizing parties for household adult
    Packing household adult's bags
    Planning activities/events/parties for household adult
    Dropping household adult off at senior center
    Picking up household adult from household adult's event
    Waiting for household adult to get ready
    Waiting to pick up household adult
    Bathing non-household child
    Carrying non-household child/baby
    Changing non-household child's diapers
    Cuddling non-household child
    Cutting non-household child's hair
    Drawing a bath for non-household child
    Dressing non-household child
    Feeding non-household child
    Getting non-household child ready to go somewhere
    Giving non-household child a bottle
    Holding non-household child
    Laying out clothes for non-household child
    Preparing a shower for non-household child
    Putting non-household child to bed
    Rocking non-household child
    Soothing non-household child/baby
    Tucking in non-household child
    Waking non-household child
    Listening to a non-household child read
    Reading to non-household children
    Reading with non-household children
    Entertaining non-household child
    Giving non-household child a piggyback ride
    Horsing around with non-household child
    Playing games with non-household child only
    Playing with non-household child
    Singing/dancing with non-household child
    Tickling non-household child
    Building model planes with non-household child
    Making holiday decorations with non-household child
    Organizing coin collection with non-household child
    Playing basketball with non-household child
    Riding bikes with non-household child
    Fussing at/scolding non-household child
    Hearing about non-household child's day
    Lecturing non-household child
    Listening to a non-household child sing
    Praying with non-household child (2007-2011)
    Singing to non-household child
    Singing with non-household child
    Talking with non-household child
    Telling non-household child to brush teeth
    Telling non-household child to get ready for bed
    Helping a non-household child do something
    Showing non-household child how to do something
    Teaching non-household child manners/proper eating habits
    Teaching non-household child proper hygiene
    Teaching non-household child to cook
    Teaching non-household child to tie shoelaces
    Helping with party for non-household child
    Making costumes for non-household child
    Organizing activities for non-household child
    Packing non-household child's bag
    Planning activities/party/play dates for non-household child
    Signing non-household child up for activities
    Unpacking non-household child's bag
    Checking on non-household child
    Keeping tabs on non-household child
    Monitoring non-household child
    Supervising non-household child
    Supervising non-household child swimming
    Watching but not interacting with non-household child
    Checking on non-household child
    Keeping tabs on non-household child
    Monitoring non-household child
    Supervising non-household child
    Supervising non-household child swimming
    Watching but not interacting with non-household child
    Waiting for non-household child to finish his/her activity
    Waiting for non-household child to get ready
    Waiting for school bus with non-household child
    Waiting to pick up non-household child
    Dropping off non-household child at babysitter's
    Dropping off non-household child at friend's house
    Dropping off non-household child at soccer practice
    Picking up non-household child from day care
    Picking up non-household child from school
    Checking non-household child's homework
    Helping a non-household child with homework
    Helping non-household child with school project
    Picking up non-household child's books/assignments
    Quizzing non-household child before a test
    Reviewing non-household child's homework
    Signing non-household child's homework log
    Attending non-household child's back-to-school night
    Attending non-household child's parent-teacher conference
    Attending PTA meeting
    Meeting with school psychologist of non-household child
    Meeting with non-household child's tutor
    Meeting with principal of non-household child
    Observing non-household child's class
    Talking to or with non-household child's tutor
    Talking with teachers of non-household child
    Waiting to meet with non-household child's teacher
    Home schooling a non-household child
    Bandaging non-household child's cuts/burns
    Bandaging non-household child's scrapes/cuts
    Giving non-household child medicine, insulin shot
    Helping non-household child with physical therapy
    Putting medicine on non-household child's burn/cuts
    Sitting with sick non-household child
    Taking a non-household child's temperature
    Accompanying non-household child to medical appointment
    Talking with non-household child's doctor/nurse
    Waiting while doctor examines non-household child
    Waiting with non-household child at hospital/physician's office
    Visiting a non-household child in the hospital
    Bathing non-household adult
    Cutting non-household adult's hair
    Dressing/Feeding non-household adult
    Getting non-household adult ready to go somewhere
    Helping non-household adult dress
    Providing physical aid to non-household adult
    Putting non-household adult to bed
    Waking non-household adult
    Checking on non-household adult
    Monitoring non-household adult
    Supervising non-household adult
    Visiting non-household adult in hospital (2003-2004)
    Accompanying non-household adult to medical appointment
    Meeting with non-household adult care provider
    Talking to non-household adult's doctors/nurses
    Talking to/with non-household adult care provider
    Waiting to meet a non-household adult care provider
    Waiting while doctor examines non-household adult
    Waiting with non-household adult at hospital/physician's office
    Cooking/preparing food for non-household adult
    Doing housework for non-household adult
    Doing laundry for non-household adult (not self)
    Shopping for non-household adult (not self)
    Disposing of trash for non-household adult
    Fixing plumbing leak for non-household adult
    Mending fence for non-household adult
    Mowing the lawn for non-household adult
    Painting house for non-household adult
    Bathing/Walking dog for non-household adult
    Feeding pets for non-household adult
    Adjusting brakes for non-household adult
    Changing tires for non-household adult
    Fixing appliances/car/computer for non-household adult
    Maintaining sports equipment for non-household adults
    Helping non-household adult with computer applications
    Helping non-household adult with taxes/bills
    Doing paperwork for non-household adult
    Making things for non-household adult
    Organizing party for non-household adult
    Packing non-household adult's bags
    Planning activities/events/party for non-household adult
    Running errands for non-household adult (not self)
    Dropping non-household adult off at senior center
    Picking up non-household adult from adult's event
    Waiting for non-household adult to get ready
    Waiting to pick up non-household adult

    uk1975: This activity is not available in this time period.

    uk1983: This sample captures four types of adult care activities: feed and food preparation for dependent adults, wash, toilet needs of dependent adults, other care of adults, and unspecified care of adults.

    uk1987: In addition to uk1983 sample, uk1987 sample also includes shopping for others, fetch/carry for others, and DIY for other household.

    uk1995: This sample includes general adult care activities.

    uk2000: Adult care is time spent in unspecified help to adult in household, physical care of adult in household, accompanying adult in household, other specified help to an adult, unspecified help to adult of another household, physical care of adult as help, accompanying adult as help, and other specified adult help.

    uk2005, fi1979: Time in this activity involves providing care for adults who live with respondents or care for adults who do not live with respondents.

    sp2002: This is time spent on unspecified help to household adult members and help to adult members of the household.

    sp2009: This sample captures time spent on seven adult care related activities including: helping household adults in need of care, helping adults in need of care from other household, helping adults who are not dependents, helping others with construction or repairs, helping others with paid work or agriculture, looking after adult needing care from other household, and unspecified informal help to others.

    nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: The first five samples specify this activity as time in looking after, taking care of adult housemates, voluntary work and unpaid help to non-family, and unpaid help to family members. The nl2000 and nl2005 samples only include taking care of adult housemates.

    at1992: This is time spent caring for the ill, elderly, or handicapped, as well as other help for other persons.

    fr1985: This sample considers adult care to be visits to hospital or elderly home.

    fr1998: This is time spent looking after adults, providing material or medical care to adults, and looking after adults or another household.

    ca2010: Adult care includes

    Category examples
    Personal care - household adult
    Education related help for household adult
    Look after household adult
    Medical care - household adult
    Emotional care - household adult
    Visit school for household adult
    Associated communication related to school
    Other help for household adult
    Personal care of non-household adult
    Medical care for non-household adult
    Education related help to non-household adult
    Look after non-household adult as primary act
    Other unpaid help to non-household adult


    Category Description

    General voluntary activities relate to organizational voluntary activities.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: These samples include time in non-paid collective civic activities (e.g. volunteers) as well as travelling connected to civic and collective participation activities, including waiting for activities means of transport travel. The us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012 category examples are the following:

    Category examples
    General voluntary acts
    Political and civic activity:
    Meetings- political/citizen organizations
    Attending meetings of a political party or citizen group, including city council
    Other activities, political/citizen organizations
    Participation in political party and citizens' groups, including social activities, voting, jury duty, helping with election, and meals
    Union and professional activity:
    Meetings; professional/union
    Attending meetings of professional or union groups
    Other activities, professional/union
    Other activities as a member of a professional or union group including social activities and meals
    Volunteer family organization:
    Meetings, family organizations
    Attending meetings of child/youth/family oriented organizations
    Other activities, family organizations
    Other activities as a member of child/youth/family oriented organizations including social activities and meals
    Volunteer fraternal group:
    Meetings, fraternal organizations
    Attending meetings of fraternal organizations
    Other activities, fraternal organizations
    Other activities as a member of fraternal organizations including social activities and helping activities and meals
    Other formal volunteer: Meetings: identity organizations
    Attending meetings of special interest, identity organizations
    Other activities, identity organizations
    Other activities as a member of a special interest, identity organization, including social activities and meals
    Attending meetings of volunteer, helping organizations
    Officer work; work as an officer of volunteer, helping organizations, respondent must indicate he/she is an officer to be coded here
    Fundraising activities as a member of volunteer helping organization
    Collecting money, planning a collection drive
    Direct help to individuals or groups as a member of volunteer helping organizations
    Visiting, bringing food, driving
    Other activities as a member of volunteer helping organizations, including social events and meals
    Religious volunteer:
    Meetings: religious helping groups
    Attending meetings of helping-oriented church groups, ladies aid, circle, missionary society, Knights of Columbus
    Other activities; religious helping groups
    Other activities as a member of groups including social activities and meals
    Meetings: other church groups; attending meetings of church group, not primarily helping-oriented, or unknown if helping-oriented
    Other activities, other church groups; other activities as a member of church groups which are not helping oriented or unknown if helping, including social activities and meals
    Choir practice
    Bible class

    uk1975: This sample captures activities in non-sport club.

    uk1987: Voluntary, civic, organization activity captures activities including community, political, TU meetings, acting as a council official, voluntary tutoring, organizing sport, coaching, providing meals, refreshments, paperwork associated with volunteering, other voluntary work for organization, other political, community work, other religious, civic activity, special interest club / society, scouts, and fill in time diary.

    uk1995: Time spent on general voluntary activities and meetings is included in this sample.

    uk2000: This sample captures activities including unspecified volunteer work and meetings, unspecified organizational work, work for an organization, volunteer work through an organization, other specified organizational work, unspecified informal help, food management as help, household upkeep as help , gardening and pet care as help, construction and repairs as help, shopping and services as help, help in employment and farming, other specified informal help, unspecified participatory activities, meetings, other specified participatory activities, and filling in the time use diary.

    uk2005: Time for this activity involves doing general voluntary work.

    sp2002: Unspecified volunteer work and meetings, unspecified organizational work, work for an organization, volunteer work through an organization, other specified organizational work, unspecified helps to other households and the following to helps to other households, helping in culinary activities, helping in house maintenance, helping in gardening and animal care, helping in construction and repairs, helping in shopping and services, helping in work and agriculture, helping in childcare, helping to adults in other households, unspecified informal helps, unspecified participatory activities, meeting, other specified participatory activities, activities related to time use survey, and activities related to other surveys are included in this activity.

    sp2009, fr1985, fr1998: This is time spent on working for an organization, attending public meetings, other specified participatory activities, filling in the time diary, and activities related to completing another survey.

    nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: These samples specify this activity as time in voluntary work for social or political group, voluntary work for interest groups, voluntary work for sundry associations, voluntary work for religious group, activities as part of employee councils, sundry education related voluntary act and filling in the time budget diary. The nl2000 and nl2005 samples also consist of family help.

    at1992: This is time spent in the following activities: filling in diary, micro census, lottery ticket; voluntary education work; voluntary activity as elected official; non-paid voluntary social activity; non-paid cultural activity; non-paid act for environment or sport; non-paid activity for church; other non-paid activity; and meetings of organization.

    fi1979: This is time spent in non-religious organization participation.

    ca2010: Voluntary, civic, organization considers the following activities:

    Category examples
    Professional, union, general meetings
    Political, civic activity (vote, jury duty, city council, donate blood)
    Child, youth, family organizations (scout leader, school volunteer)
    Religious meetings, organizations (choir practice, church socials)
    Fraternal /social organizations (Lions' Club)
    Support groups (AA, Weight Watchers)
    Volunteer work (organizations) ? organizing and planning
    Volunteer work (organizations)
    Volunteer work (organizations)
    Volunteer work (organizations) ? build structures, indoor/outdoor maintenance and repair
    Volunteer work (organizations)
    Volunteer work (organizations)
    Housework or cooking assistance
    Animal and pet care for non-household pets
    House maintenance or repair assistance
    Transporting assistance to someone other than a household member
    Correspondence help (letters, bills, forms)
    Unpaid help for a family business or farm
    Other unpaid work/help
    Other organizational and voluntary activity


    Category Description

    This is time spent attending religious practice and services.

    Activity Coding Rules

    us1965, us1975, us1985.us1993, us1995, us1998: These samples include worship and religious acts. The us1985 period comprises of time spent in religious practice as well.

    Category examples
    Attending services of a church or synagogue, including participating in the
    Singing in choir
    Leading youth group
    Going to church, funerals
    Individual practice
    Religious practice carried out as an individual or in a small group
    Praying, meditating
    Bible study group (not at church)
    Visiting graves

    us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: These samples specify time in worship and religious activities including attending religious services, participating in religious practices, waiting associated with religious and spiritual activities, and security procedures linked to these activities.

    Category examples
    Attending a baptism/christening, a bar mitzvah/briss
    Attending church revival, church services, confirmation service
    Attending funerals
    Attending mosque, synagogue, temple
    Attending wakes, memorial services
    Attending/participating in weddings
    Attending church choir practice
    Cleaning up after religious ceremonies
    Decorating for religious ceremonies
    Leading church choir, musical groups
    Participating in church musical performance
    Playing the church organ, alone, with others
    Putting flowers on graves
    Rehearsing for religious ceremonies
    Singing in the church choir
    Ushering for religious services
    Visiting graves
    Being searched at security checkpoint
    Opening bags for security search
    Passing through metal detector

    uk1975, uk2005: Worship and religious activities involve time spent at church or prayer meeting.

    uk1983, uk1987, uk2000, sp2002, sp2009, nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005, at1992: These samples capture time spent on general religious practices. The nl2000 and nl2005 samples also specify time in activities for church or ideological organization.

    uk1995: Worship and religious activities category is not available in this time period.

    fr1985, fr1998: This considers time spent in religious worship/practices, cemetery, assistance and participation in religious/civil ceremonies, queuing out or inside of the place of worship.

    fi1979: This is considered time spent in religious activities.

    ca2010: Worship and religious activities includes private prayer, mediation and other informal spiritual activities, religious services/prayer/bible reading, and other religious activity.