Category Description
This category captures time the respondent spends in child care. This includes physical, medical child care (0528), teach, help with homework (0529), read to, talk or play with child (0530), supervise, accompany, other childcare (0531).
Category Description
This category comprises of time spent in medical care of children.
Activity Coding Rules
us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: This category comprises of medical care for children inside or outside the home. Child care for kids under infants, general care of children aged 5-17, and medical care of children are also included.
us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: Physical, medical child care includes time in care for the children that are infants, that is, under 5 years old. Activities include the following:
Category examples
Bathing household child
Breastfeeding/nursing household baby
Breastfeeding/nursing household child (2003)
Carrying household child/baby
Changing household child's diapers
Cuddling household child
Cutting household child's hair
Drawing a bath for a household child
Dressing household child
Feeding household child
Getting household child ready for bed/school
Getting household child ready to go somewhere
Getting household child up
Giving household child a bath
Giving household child a bottle
Holding household child
Laying out clothes for household child
Preparing a shower for a household child
Putting household child to bed
Rocking household child
Soothing household child/baby
Tucking in household child
Waking household child
Helping with parties for household child
Making costume for household child
Organizing activities for household child
Packing household child's bag
Planning activities/events/parties for household child
Planning play dates for household child
Signing household child up for activities
Unpacking household child's bag
Checking on household child
Keeping tabs on household child
Monitoring household child
Sitting/Supervising with household child
Supervising household child swimming
Watching but not interacting with household child
Adopting a child
Checking out daycare facility
Hiring a nanny or babysitter
Hiring a tutor
Meeting with daycare providers
Paying for after school care program
Paying for daycare, lessons, instructions, summer camp
Paying for tutorial services
Talking to/with babysitter, camp counselor, daycare provider
Waiting to meet a childcare provider
Talking on phone to a babysitter, tutor, day care provider
Example activities taken place to care for the children of interest aged 5-18 are as follows:
Category examples
Bathing household child
Breastfeeding/nursing household baby
Breastfeeding/nursing household child (2003)
Carrying household child/baby
Changing household child's diapers
Cuddling household child
Cutting household child's hair
Drawing a bath for a household child
Dressing/Feeding household child
Getting household child ready for bed/school
Getting household child ready to go somewhere
Getting household child up
Giving household child a bath
Giving household child a bottle
Helping with parties for household child
Making costume for household child
Organizing activities for household child
Packing household child's bag
Planning activities/events parties for household child
Planning play dates for household child
Signing household child up for activities
Unpacking household child's bag
Holding household child
Laying out clothes for household child
Preparing a shower for a household child
Putting household child to bed
Rocking household child
Soothing household child/baby
Tucking in household child
Waking household child
Helping with parties for household child
Planning events/parties/activities for household child
Signing household child up for activities
Checking on household child
Keeping tabs on household child
Monitoring household child
Sitting/Supervising with household child
Supervising household child
Supervising household child swimming
Watching but not interacting with household child
Adopting a child
Talking on phone to a babysitter
Talking on phone to a tutor
Talking on phone to day care provider
uk1975: This sample includes activities related to looking after children.
uk1983, uk1987: Time in this activity captures feed and food preparation for babies and children, wash, change babies, put children to bed/get them up, babysit other people;s children, other care of babies, and medical care of babies, children and adults.
uk1995: Physical, medical child care includes general child care activities.
uk2000: This sample includes time spent in unspecified childcare, unspecified physical care and supervision, feeding the child, other specified physical care, unspecified childcare as help, and physical child care as help.
uk2005, sp2009: Physical, medical child care is time spent general child care for own children and caring for other children.
sp2002: This consists of time spent on unspecified childcare, child physical care and vigilance, and other specified childcare activities.
at1992: Physical, medical child care includes caring for babies and children, cooking for and feeding children, taking a nap with a child, and both medical care for child outside of home and at home.
fr1985: This time consists of personal, material (e.g. help them to eat, wash-up), and medical care (both at home and away from home) to children (age 0-14).
fr1998, fi1979: Physical, medical child care includes looking after children and medical care both at home and away from home.
ca2010: Physical, medical child care includes:
Category examples
Child care (infant to 4 years old)
Food preparation for child under 5
Feed child
Put child to bed
Get child ready for school
Personal care for child of household
Medical care ? household child
Emotional care of household child
Personal care of non-household child
Medical care for non-household child -
Category Description
This includes time spent supervising school work such as homework, exercises and lessons.
Activity Coding Rules
us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, fr1985: These samples include time spent to supervise and help with homework of children.
us1985: Teach, help with homework specifies the following examples:
Category examples
Helping/teaching children learn, fix, make things
Helping son bake cookies
Helping daughter fix bike
us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: The period includes arts and crafts with household children, helping or teaching household children (not related to education), helping with homework, attending meetings and school conferences, home schooling of household children, waiting associated with household children's education, and other activities related to household child's education.
Category examples
Building model planes with household child
Making holiday decorations w/household child
Organizing coin collection with household child
Helping household child do something (2003)
Showing household child how to do something (2003)
Teaching household child manners (2003)
Teaching household child proper eating habits, proper hygiene (2003)
Teaching household child to cook (2003)
Teaching household child to tie shoelaces (2003)
Checking household child's homework for completion
Helping household child with a school project
Helping household child with homework
Picking up household child's books/assignments
Quizzing household child before a test
Reviewing household child's homework
Signing household child's homework log
Attending a PTA meeting
Attending household child's back-to-school night
Attending household child's parent-teacher conference
Meeting w/school psychologist of household child
Meeting with household child's tutor
Meeting with principal of household child
Observing household child's class
Talking to/with household child's tutor
Talking with teachers of household child
Home schooling a household child
Waiting to meet with household child's teacher
uk1975, uk1995, fi1979: This activity is not available in this time period.
uk1983, uk1987, uk2000, uk2005, sp2002, sp2009, at1992: Teach, help with homework captures activities related with helping children with homework including teaching children schoolwork.
nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: The Netherland samples specify this as time spent helping children with homework and assignments.
fr1998: This captures activities where time is spent playing with/ teaching a child and supervising homework.
ca2010: This category includes helping, teaching, or reprimanding children, as well as other educational activities for the household or education help with a non-household child. -
Category Description
This is time spent reading to/talking with child, listening to children.
Activity Coding Rules
us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998, uk1983, uk1987, uk2000, sp2002, sp2009, fr1985, fr1998, fi1979, ca2010: These samples include play with children, read to, talk with child, and play other physical activity, sports with children.
us1985: In addition to time reading to child as well as having conversations with household children, this period also includes the following examples:
Category examples
Giving child orders or instructions
Asking them to help
Telling children to behave
Disciplining child
Yelling at kids, spanking children
Correcting children's behavior
us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: Read to, talk or play with child includes the following examples:
Category examples
Listening to a household child read
Reading to household child
Reading with household child
Fussing at/scolding household child
Hearing about household child's day
Lecturing household child
Listening to household child sing/recite
Singing to household child
Singing with household child
Talking with household child
Telling household child to brush teeth, get ready for bed
uk1975: Time in this activity captures time playing with children.
uk1995, uk2005: Read to, talk or play with child is not available in this time period.
nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: These samples specify this activity as time spent reading out loud to children and playing inside the home with children. Further, all samples except for nl2000 also include taking a walk, cycling or playing outside with a child.
at1992: Read to, talk or play with child includes the following examples:
Category examples
Playing music with the child
Conversation- talking with the child
Reading to the child
Playing with the child (indoor)
Doing other hobby with child
Looking TV (video) with child
Exercising sport with child indoor
Taking child out (walk, playground)
Cultural activities with child -
Category Description
This is time spent supervising, accompanying children related activities as well as other childcare activities.
Activity Coding Rules
us1965, us1975, us1985, us1993, us1995, us1998: Any other child care related activities not included in physical, medical child care (0528), teach, help with homework (0529), and read to, talk or play with child (0530) is included in this category.
us1985: The period also includes the following examples:
Category examples
Co-ordination or facilitating child's social or instructional non-school activities
Child care outside respondent's home or to children not residing in household
Other child care, including phone conversations relating to child care other than medical
us2003, us2004, us2005, us2006, us2007, us2008, us2009, us2010, us2011, us2012: Supervise, accompany, other childcare includes attending household children's events, waiting for or with household children, as well as picking up or dropping off household children.
Category examples
Attending household child's recital
Watching a household child's school play
Watching household child's sporting event
Waiting for household child to finish his/her activity
Waiting for household child to get ready
Waiting for school bus with household child
Waiting to pick up household child
Dropping off household child at babysitter's
Dropping off household child at friend's house
Dropping off household child at soccer practice
Picking up household child from church
Picking up household child from day care
Picking up household child from school
uk1975, uk1995, uk2005: This activity is not available in this time period.
uk1983: Time in this activity captures supervising children, other care of children, and unspecified childcare.
uk1987: In addition to all activities included in the uk1983 sample, the uk1987 sample captures babysitting other people's child.
uk2000: Supervise, accompany, other childcare comprises of activities including accompanying children, other specified care of children, accompany child as help, and other unspecified childcare as help.
sp2002: This sample only captures activity related to accompanying children.
sp2009: This is time in which respondents accompany children and conduct other childcare activities.
nl1975, nl1980, nl1985, nl1990, nl1995, nl2000, nl2005: These samples specify this activity as time spent babysitting and sundry child-related activities. The nl2000 sample also includes time spent taking walks, cycling, and playing outside with children.
at1992: Supervise, accompany and other childcare includes supervising the child (unspecified care), visiting a teacher or performance at school, running errands for the child (register at school), and other child care.
fr1985: This includes other activities on behalf of children (e.g. kissing, caressing, to look after them without specifically focusing on it, punishing), waiting time related to child's activities, and other childcare (e.g. organize a suitcase).
fr1998: This includes other activities on behalf of children and looking after children of another household.
fi1979: This activity involves time spent taking a child outdoors
ca2010: This includes unpaid babysitting of a household child, visiting a child care/school establishment, communication related to child care/school, other non-educational help for household, look after non-household child as main activity, and other unpaid help provided to non-household child.